In the last couple of years, with the arrival of young management and investment into new technologies combined with the extensive production knowledge and experience, the company records significant growth and development. In the second half of 1990s, given the social changes, establishment of market economy and unstable situation within shipbuilding industry, an extensive market analysis and search for new business partners commenced. A long term plan of company development was defined along with a new business concept whose main features were flexibility, high education, newest technologies, competitive prices, high degree of quality and fulfilling delivery deadlines.
Rezultat toga jest potpuno novi proizvodni program u različitim granama industrije – od elektroničke industrije, telekomunikacija i elektro industrije, do industrije transportnih konvejera, auto industrije, brodogradnje, industrije ventilacionih sustava i proizvodnje metalnog namještaja. Uz proizvodnju metalnih sklopova za strateške partnere (medicinska industrija/ transportni sustavi/ automobilska industrija), tvrtka razvija vlastite proizvode (3D CAD/CAM sustav za konstrukciju i dizajn), Tvrtka je orjentirana na strana tržišta i preko 90% proizvodnje se izvozi.
Ministry of Trades, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises – BEST SMALL ENTERPRISE (under 50 employees) IN CROATIA in 2003.
Croatian Chamber of commerce – County chamber Rijeka – BEST COUNTY ENTERPRISE in 2002.
Since 2009. ALPRON is the beneficiary of European community accession fund grants from 2006 PHARE programme.